Automatic lighting control of hotel rooms
Additional information
The guests in the hotel rooms do not care about the energy costs: “it is not their consumption and they don’t have to pay for it.” Therefore, they leave the lights, TV and other appliances switched on even in the absence (e.g. breakfast). The card switches tried to prevent this, but it turned out to be inefficient because of the replacement of cards in the switch with business cards, or in the case of RFID by simply asking for a replacement card at the reception. This problem is not only for hotel guests but also for the hotel’s own cleaning services, which may not be targeted: “they just forget to turn off.” The automatic lighting control system prevents unnecessary lighting in the absence of persons. This saves energy costs, significantly.
When entering a hotel room, the RFWD-100 wireless door detector detects the door opening and sends a command to the RFSAI-161B switch to turn on the light for a set time (e.g. 3 minutes). The person entering the room is detected by the motion detector RFMD-100 and a command is sent to the RFSAI-161B switching device to override the door detector command. In the room (and in the bathroom) movement is monitored continuously by means of motion detectors, and thus the light stays on. If the person leaves the hotel room = movement is not detected and at the same time, the door is closed by the door detector, a command to turn off the light is sent (in the case of no movement detected). When the guest goes to sleep, press the “Master OFF” button on the RFWB-40 wireless controller to turn off the illumination and deactivate the automatic lighting control function in the background. In the morning, pressing the button to turn on the illumination on the RFWB-40 wireless controller in the background activates this function. Thanks to the integrated terminals, the RFSA-161B switchgear allows you to connect existing buttons in your installation, eliminating the need to remove the buttons during the renovation.
In the hotel room, there are other appliances such as lamps, sockets, curtains, which you control through other RFSA switching and dimming RFDEL components with RFWB-40 wireless buttons. Cooling / heating control is an essential part of the hotel room's renovation. An RFSA-166M switching component is a peripheral unit for controlling the fan coil type of temperature control. It is an integral part of the thermostat RFTC-150G, which thanks to the flat base allows quick assembly and is available in 36 colors. It is combined with an RFWD-100 door detector to turn off cooling / heating when a window or balcony door is opened. In addition to the temperature control, the RFSTI-11B temperature device monitors the maximum room temperature (e.g. 32 °C). Especially in warm countries and hot days, the room temperature may rise above 30 °C, resulting in the destruction of furniture by dry air. Conversely, nonstop air conditioning (if there is no person in the room for more than a day) causes unnecessary costs. An essential advantage of the implementation of this system is not only savings in energy consumption, but also quick assembly (within two hours), and without the need to close the room, which would cause a financial loss to the hotelier.
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